Avanti Indietro Indice

6. Come ottenere un filtro magico adeguato

6.1 Il filtro APS

Uno dei migliori filtri magici e' aps, di Andreas Klemm. La Linux Software Map fornisce le seguenti informazioni:

  Title:          apsfilter
  Version:        4.9.1
  Entered-date:   Montag, 10. Juli 1995, 21:22:35 Uhr MET DST
  Description:    magicfilter for lpd with auto filetype detection
  Keywords:       lpd magicfilter aps apsfilter
  Author:         andreas@knobel.GUN.de (Andreas Klemm)
  Maintained-by:  sledge@hammer.oche.de (Thomas Bueschgens)
                  andreas@knobel.GUN.de (Andreas Klemm)
  Primary-site:   sunsite.unc.edu
                  211KB aps-491.tgz
  Original-site:  ftp-i2.informatik.rwth-aachen.de
  Platforms:      C-Compiler, gs Postscript emulator, pbmutils
  Copying-policy: GPL
Il filtro APS viene installato come if (filtro di input), e d e' in grado di tradurre molti tipi di file comuni in comandi appropriati per la vostra stampante. Tra gli altri aps comprende text, PostScript, dvi, e gif.

6.2 Filtri magici

Il filtro magico scritto da B.A.McCawley lavora all'incirca nello stesso modo di aps, ma essendo scritto in bash e' probabilmente piu' facile da modificare. La LSM fornisce:

       Version: 0.4
       Description: Bash scripts to simplify the task of configuring lpd to
                    auto-detect file types using /etc/magic. (As advertised in the
                    This package uses existing filters so it only prints file types for
                    which one already has filters (or compressed versions
                    thereof). Alterative magic filter approches are described in the
       Keywords: lpd, /etc/magic, printing, filter
       Author: B.A.McCauley@bham.ac.uk (Brian McCauley)
       Maintained-by: B.A.McCauley@bham.ac.uk
       Primary-site: tsx-11.mit.edu pub/linux/sources/usr.bin
                     magic-filter-0.4.tar.gz  5709
       Copying-policy: GNU GPL

6.3 Gli altri filtri magici

Per la massima confusione possibile, sembra che esistano due filtri magici chiamati semplicemente magicfilter (o forse e' lo stesso?)

  Title:          magicfilter
  Version:        1.1b
  Entered-date:   04APR95
  Description:    A customizable, extensible automatic printer filter.
                  Lets you automatically detect and print just about any
                  data type you can find a conversion utility for.  This
                  filter is written in C and is controlled completely
                  from an external printer configuration file.
                  This version adds automagic creation of configuration
                  files based on the installed software on your system,
                  courtesy of GNU Autoconf.
                  This version is a bug fix from 1.1/1.1a; filters for
                  non-Ascii capable PostScript printers have been added.
  Author:         H. Peter Anvin <Peter.Anvin@linux.org>
  Primary-site:   sunsite.unc.edu
                  53000 /pub/Linux/system/Printing/magicfilter-1.1b.tar.gz
  Copying-policy: GPL

Avanti Indietro Indice