Quick list:
Changing GRUB settings in Fedora
fstab mounts volume as read-only - solution for read-write
PHP with mysql support
Add linux user to a specified group
Unpack system stage tarball
[NeoVim] Delete lines starting with #
[NeoVim] Delete blank lines

Changing GRUB settings in Fedora

The main config file is in /etc/default/grub
After editing the file, the file (UEFI) /boot/grub2/grub.cfg must be rebuilt.
I would suggest making a copy of this file first.
cp /boot/grub2/grub.cfg /boot/grub2/grub.cfg_backup
The do:
grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub2/grub.cfg

fstab mounts volume as read-only - solution for read-write

Edit your volume record in /etc/fstab
(assuming the partition uses ext4)
/path/to/volume/to/be/mounted /path/where/to/mount/it ext4 defaults,rw 0 0
The solution here is defaults,rw
Tip: Make a backup, or just copy and comment a line with # when modifying already-existing records

PHP with mysql support

If you compile php yourself, the default ./configure doesn't seem to have mysqli enabled.
If you try to connecto to a mysql server using your php, you will get an error

enable mysqli at ./configure time.
./configure --with-mysqli --with-mysql-sock=/your/path/to/mysql.sock

optionally you can also specify where your MySql sock is (if it's not default)

Add linux user to a specified group

usermod -a -G group_name user_name

Unpack system stage tarball

This is based on Gentoo's handbook.
tar xpvf stage-tarball.tar.xz --xattrs-include='*.*' --numeric-owner

[Debian] Use Dedicated Nvidia card

After installing your Nvidia drivers, add this to your .bashrc:
export __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME=nvidia;

[Debian] Wine: could not load kernel32.dll, status c0000135 Kali Linux

Error: Wine: could not load kernel32.dll, status c0000135 Kali Linux
This happened to me after I installed wine32, after already using wine (normal 64bit version)
Solution: remove ~/.wine directory
(solution taken from https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/728898/wine-could-not-load-kernel32-dll-status-c0000135-kali-linux)

[NeoVim] Delete lines starting with #

or in short:

[NeoVim] Delete blank lines


Steps to compile Ladybird on Debian with GCC-12 (for bash users)

If you're using Debian stable, you have GCC-12 installed (as of 2024-08-20).
This GCC version is too old, as ladybird requires GCC-13. The following steps will guide you how to get the latest GCC without breaking your whole system by accident

  1. Download latest GCC https://gcc.gnu.org/mirrors.html
  2. Unpack downloaded file: tar -xf gcc-version.tar.xz
  3. Change directory to recently unpacked gcc (cd gcc-version)
  4. Configure compilation
    I added a prefix, so that future "make install" does not touch any important thing on my system
    I recommend this method.
    1. Make a new directory in your $HOME (mkdir /home/your_username/Programs)
    2. Configure compilation (./configure --prefix="/home/your_username/Programs)
    [Replace "your_username" with your username (whoami)]
  5. Start the compilation (make -j14)
    -j(number of jobs to run simultaneously) <- depending on your CPU
    I have 8c/16t CPU so with -j16 it took about 1 hour
  6. After a successful compilation, "install" GCC (make install)
    Since we prefixed every path of GCC with a path to a directory in our home,
    we don't need any special permissions to do make install.
  7. Edit .bashrc that is located in your home directory. (nano /home/your_username/.bashrc)
    1. Go to the very end of the .bashrc
    2. add line: PATH=/home/your_username/Programs/bin/:$PATH
    3. add line: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/me/Programs/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
    4. Save the file (Ctrl+x -> "y" for Nano, :wq for Vim)
  8. Close your terminals, that you intended to use for Ladybird compilation
  9. Open a new terminal. This will read .bashrc file so that your terminal uses the lines we added
  10. Test your GCC version (gcc --version)
    For me it says:
    me@debianLenovo:~$ gcc --version
    gcc (GCC) 14.2.0
  11. Go to your ladybird directory
  12. Read readme to install all dependencies. Readme is located at Documentation/BuildInstructionsLadybird.md
  13. After you installed all dependencies, run the Meta script
    1. Go to ladybird directory
    2. run: ./Meta/ladybird.sh run ladybird